Risk On and Risk Off Sentiment in Forex Pairs and the Importance of Returns

02 February 2024

One of the essential dynamics that traders and investors should understand when navigating the forex market is the “Risk On” and “Risk Off” sentiment. This sentiment is a fundamental factor that drives currency price movements and, consequently, potential returns.

What are Risk On and Risk Off Sentiments?

  1. Risk On: This sentiment prevails when investors are optimistic about the global economic outlook. They are willing to take more risks in hopes of higher returns. Consequently, higher-yielding, riskier currencies and assets become more attractive.
  2. Risk Off: Conversely, when there’s global economic uncertainty or negative news, the Risk Off sentiment dominates. Investors tend to move their capital to safer assets, shedding riskier ones. Safe-haven currencies and assets witness a surge in demand.

How does it affect Forex Pairs?

Various forex pairs respond differently to Risk On and Risk Off sentiments:

  1. Major Pairs: These are currency pairs that include the US dollar (USD). The USD often acts as a safe haven during Risk Off scenarios. For instance, in a Risk Off environment, we might see the USD gain strength against other major currencies like the euro (EUR) or the Australian dollar (AUD).
  2. Commodity Currencies: Currencies like the AUD, New Zealand dollar (NZD), and Canadian dollar (CAD) are closely tied to commodity prices. In a Risk On scenario, these currencies usually strengthen as global growth prospects improve and demand for commodities rises.
  3. Safe-Haven Currencies: Apart from the USD, the Japanese yen (JPY) and Swiss franc (CHF) are considered safe-haven currencies. During Risk Off sentiments, these currencies tend to appreciate as investors seek safety.

The Importance of Returns

Forex trading offers opportunities for both capital appreciation and interest rate differential returns. Here’s why returns are critical:

  1. Compensation for Risk: All investments come with a degree of risk. Higher potential returns often correlate with higher risk. Therefore, when traders decide to hold a riskier currency pair, they expect higher returns as compensation.
  2. Capital Growth: Returns in the forex market can lead to capital growth. Over time, consistent returns can have a compounding effect, substantially increasing the trader’s initial investment.
  3. Hedging and Diversification: Forex returns can be used as a hedge against losses in other investment portfolios. Diversification across various asset classes, including forex, can stabilize overall returns and manage risk.
  4. Attracting Investors: High returns in the forex market can attract more investors. As demand for a particular currency pair increases, its value can rise, leading to even higher returns.


Understanding the Risk On and Risk Off sentiment is crucial for forex traders. It helps them anticipate market movements, choose the right currency pairs to trade, and strategize effectively. Returns, on the other hand, are the rewards for taking on risk. They play a pivotal role in compensating for the inherent dangers of the market, growing capital, and attracting more investments. As always, it’s essential for investors to conduct thorough research and consult with financial advisors before making any trading decisions.